Ideal Body Weight (IBW) is an estimated weight range considered healthy for an individual based on their height and gender. It's used as a general guideline in medical and fitness contexts to assess whether a person is at a weight that minimizes health risks.
The Robinson formula is one of several methods used to estimate ideal body weight:
For males: \(IBW = 52 \text{ kg} + 1.9 \text{ kg} \times (\text{height in inches} - 60)\)
For females: \(IBW = 49 \text{ kg} + 1.7 \text{ kg} \times (\text{height in inches} - 60)\)
Let's calculate the ideal body weight for a male who is 180 cm tall:
The green portion of the bar represents the calculated IBW (72.65 kg) relative to 150 kg.
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