Gallons Per Hour Fuel calculator

Capacity of fuel in Gallons:
Elapsed trip time in hours:
Starting Fuel In Gallons:
Ending Fuel In Gallons:
Gallons Per Hour Consumption Rate: GPH
Calculated Fuel: Gallons
Your Trip Start Fuel Load: Gallons
Full Fuel Load Potential: Hours
Trip Start Fuel (AvGas) Load Weight: Pounds
Trip Start Fuel (Jet A) Load Weight: Pounds

Gallons Per Hour Fuel calculator formula

GPH=start fuel-end fuel

Total Capacity (AvGas) Fuel Load Weight=(Fuel weight)* (gw)

Jet A weight per gallon (dw) =6.84

Aviation Gasoline weight per gallon (gw) =6.00

1 MPGe = 8.55 miles/ million BTU ≈ 0.0292 miles/kW·h ≈ 0.0182 /kW·h ≈ 0.005 km/MJ provides you helpful and handy calculator resources.