Comparing Fractions Calculator

Fraction A:
Fraction B:

Compare fractions is used to find if the two fractions are equal, greater or less than each other. (<, > or =)

To compare fractions numbers, there is a easy ways to compare fractions: using decimals; or converts the fractions to equivelant fractions, compares the numerators.

For example:

Let's compare 3/8 and 5/12 , the first number = 0.375, the secon number = 0.4166...

So,5/12 is bigger.

Compare the 5/7 and 6/14, Each fraction can change to equivalent fraction 10/14, 6/16, Comparing 10/14 and 6/14, 10/14 > 6/14 so 5/7 > 6/14. provides you helpful and handy calculator resources.